Sunday, March 25, 2012

I got a strange dream last night and I just can't get it out off my head. I decided to write it down here.

I'm not really sure where the dream happened to be. The place seem different yet familiar to me. Some scenes happened in Bandung, my birthplace, some in an unknown places. So.. I was walking with a group of people in a road. Trees everywhere. And it was dark there. At night obviously. There were 5 in our group. three boys and a girl and me. And they were close to me. I mean in my dream we're friends. Even this one guy looked more close to me in a way or two. He was cute, nice and I dont know.. weird. we're holding hands and so.. intimate? like we're saying something through our eyes in the whole trip. I felt like myself yet like someone else that I dont know.

Then.. the road cut in two. the straight and the left one. then suddenly something out from the trees. A vehicle with a black horse. and the vehicle brought something that covered with white fabric. it went to the left road. then right in front of us where the straight road ahead, there was this ugly scary creature that scared people away so they chose the left road. but our group decided to take the straight way. then we just walked. and suddenly I wanted to hold the cute guy closely. very closely. like I really afraid of losing him. he hold me back. we're just holding each other for a minute or so. And I missed him. badly. It was so intense. the feeling the emotion.

Then we arrived in a weird place. a field with red wires everywhere. and blood. I keep walking but the guys were riding birds. that was nsync I know. but the other girl and I keep walking. and we arrived in my granny's house in bandung. people were suddenly talked about mariage. wtf. There was this old man came and insisted that i should marry his son. I told my granny I dont want to get maried. And I saw the cute guy looking at me sadly. I approached him and hold his hand. and he said that he was hungry. We saw this other man ate sandwhich and the cute guy said, I want that. and I said wait I'll get it, its in the kitchen. I went to the kitchen and looked for the sandwhich. they were sandwhich in pink, green, purple, blue... I took them. but when I came to the front, it was raining outside. and the cute guy was sitting in the sofa in the living room.

My granny suddenly went outside the house to the big coconut tree in front of the house. she asked me to help her get some water that flow through the coconut tree. I get into position, but when I would do it, my granny told me to came down. she said didnt you see that? I said see what? there. she pointed to my waist. I'm not sure what but in my mind that time those were two scary black snakes on my waist. I screamed. and get them off my waist.

Freaking cool. NO! its not cool at all. That was f*cking creepy. :S
thats all. And I miss him already, the cute guy. :'(

Sunday, March 11, 2012

(Movie) The Grey... It's REAL wolf in REAL LIFE people!

Yes. I just watched The Grey yesterday. In my laptop obviously. Got it from a friend at campus, Bang Eko. :D I actually planned to watched in on the cinema a few weeks ago. Simply because I was curious about the movie. The poster is so simple with Liam Neeson face in that 'hard look' expression planted on his face and snows around his face and then there's Liam Neeson printed right on his forehead. *chuckled. The sinopsis was a bit standard too for me.I mean they said about wolves thing and fight. I thought I could imagine what will happened there on the movie, including the ending. BUT the movie was peaked at number one in box office on the first week. That was intriguing. I was oh-so-curious I wanted to watched it on the cinema but never really made it. I came to the cinema a few times but always ended up with another movie. One day I made up my mind that I had to watch it no matter how so I went to the cinema alone but damn the movie wasn't playing there anymore.. -__-

But thanks to Bang Eko, cause he downloaded it. I finally could fullfil this great uncontained passion and urge to watch the movie. and it was sooo great. :D

Well first thing I want to say about the movie is that I didn't expect it to be that good. Not that I tend to underestimate the movies on the mainstream these days. It was just that since january this years I've watched many movies since that I'm not a full time worker anymore, (lol) and from those I've seen, only one or two that really worth my time and my money. *sigh

Even some movies that had brought some big names on hollywood. It was really dissapointing.

The second about the movie is, it is not a ngasal movie. lol. I don't know how to say that in English. Ngasal means when you make something, you don't really care about how good the result be. You just need it to be done. That's ngasal. And this movie from my perception-and I really dont want people rely into it since that I'm not an expert or something just a person who enjoy movies so much- this movie is anything but ngasal. At least from the story side, while the effect, I'm sure there are still lots of movie with better effects out there. But it wasnt an issue cause the 'message' I got there was more than enough to cover the effects flaw. Actually this ngasal word first came out this morning at 3 am. I put the poem that made by Ottway's father (John Ottway, the main character on this movie played by Liam Neeson) on my status and one of my friend asked me whether the movie was good or not.

So the movie is about this group of workers on a far away jungle circled by mountains and snows that got on a plane to went to their home. Unfortunately the plane crashed and there were only seven of the passengers remained. That was including Ottway who was a sniper that hired to protect the workers from any wolves who came near them in their workplace.

Then the adventure begun. They were looking for a way or two to survived and found any help. Obviously they couldnt just wait for any people came and rescued them. Some of them were criminals actually that was why they thought no one really care if the plane crashed. But then at night they were being visited by some wolves. Apparently the place where their plane crashed was in a pack of wolves's teritorial. Ottway being the one who was before hired to protect them from the wolves now was in charge. Gradually he told them about the nature of the wolves. This one was my another reason why I wanted to watched this movie so bad. The information was logic and real. about real wolves. how dangerous and deadly wolves could be. Since there were lots of cute werewolves out there on the TV nowadays. :p

They decided to moved at least to a place out of the wolves 450 miles teritory though they didnt quite sure where would that place be. no compass no gps.There along the way one by one of the seven men hunted down by the wolves. Untill at the end, Ottway was the one who left. He then arrived in a place that in the last minutes that the movie would be likely came to an end he realised it was apparently the wolves den.

What caught my interest was the conflict on each men that started to revealed by the time left. Each of them has their own personal characteristics that while the story might be a lil borring somehow brought colours to the scene. How in order to survived not only from the wolves but the craziness that could easily came due to the situation they were currently in, they shared their emotions and memories to each other. that was very beautiful for me. since they were all men.

Then from the beginning we've been shown that Ottway was struggle with himself. He has some issues on a personal level that he couldnt stand, untill on the last night before they got into the plane Ottway even tried to killed himself. Then there were flashes of a woman who keep saying "don't be afraid" to Ottway. Later we'd find out that she was his wife. In the opening we saw Ottway wrote about that how much he loved her but that she left him. When Ottway being the one who left alive he got frustated and screamed to the sky about faith about how he would believe in God untill the day he die if God could help him etc. That was when nothing happened and Ottway whispered to himself that he must rely on himself alone. He then arrived in a place. Not so long some wolves came and circled him. That time he realised that he was in the wolved den. And there we got another flashed of a woman said "don't be afraid". then the camera showed us an IV. I guess his wife gone because a desease or something. That's why Ottway lost his faith to God because God took what he loved most. I dont know. and the most interesting is Ottway started to armed himself and he stand in a fight position and then he recited his father's poem (Once more into the fray, into the the last good fight I'll ever know. Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day).

Then the end.

So we never know whether Ottway survived or not. I think that was when the film maker gave the chance to us to answer that question to ourselves alone. The question they've brought to us silently about the existence of God. Its quite heavy for a movie but good afterall.

Haaahh so thats all I want to share about the moviee.. Peace love and gahoooll... *wink

Kangen nuliisssss...

Akhir akhir ini kehidupan gw sedang tidak jelas adanya. hhuhuhu.. gimana yaa rasanya kok agak sedikit hampa begitu. My life has turned upside down. Translate-annya hidup gw lagi berasa diubek ubek, kiri kanan, atas bawah, depan belakang. hahaha. kayak apaan aja. teteeep yah lebaynya ga ketulungan.

intinyaa perhatian dan fokus gw lagi kemana mana euy. ni isi kepala kalo ada yang punya kekuatan super terus bisa ngintip ke dalam otak gw pasti ngerti deh. udah kayak akar pohon kelapa.. semrawuutt... sesuatuuu..sampe sampe gw lupa kalo gw punya blog.. sampe sampe gw lupa kalo gw mau ikutan lomba nulis artikel berhadiah belasan dinar!! nyeseekkk, inget inget pas deadlinenya, yaitu hari ini, tadi jam 12. dan sudah lewat. haahhh.. sebel jadinya.

So much things to say bangeettt deuuhh..

Gw akhirnya berani memutuskan untuk berhenti dari pekerjaan yang mulai membuat gw sesak nafas.. (mulai deh drama.. -___-) tepatya pada tanggal 9 januari kemaren. belum lagi di rumah.. haduuhh.. dramanya makin makin deh drama kuadrat pangkat seratus!! Terus gw kan ikutan lomba penyiar gitu... teruuss gilaa masa menang juara dua?! Oh My God! it's so unbelievable! tapi bener yaaahh kalo Allah menghendaki itu ga da yang ga mungkin sodara-sodara! gw yang tadinya cuma bisa mimpi buat jadi penyiar sekarang tau tau sudah tiga bulan trainning di sebuah radio no. 1 di Bogor!! yaaayyyy... *jingkrakjingkrak

umm emang sih belum pasti.. masih nunggu keputusan final keterima apa ga. BUT. there's a big but with one t here.. (hhihi) gw seneng! asli seneng banget. gw udah dikasih kesempatan buat merasakan berada di sebuah studio siaran. merasakan seperti apa siaran itu. suara gw udah pernah di denger sama orang orang bogor di luar sana. sempet ketemu beberapa artis pula. terus jadi kenal sama announcers dari mulai yang lucu sampe yang keren. haha. dari yang sok cool sok dingin sampe sok jutek padahal aslinya baiikk.. yahh begitulah kehidupan. dan tulisan gw asa ngawur kemana mana. yaa intinyaa gw udah ga peduli diterima apa ga. wait. peduli sih.. boong kalo gw ga peduli. :D harepan sih pasti pengennya diterima yaa, tapi kalo belum rejeki ya no problem lah. Toh dari ilmu juga pengalaman dan kenangan yang gw dapet selama tiga bulan disitu akan selalu jadi cerita manis dalam hidup gw. tsaahhh.... 

Indahnyaaa bersyukur itu sodara -sodara.. \(^,^)/