Saturday, November 24, 2018

I'm Back! (After 6 years of full hibernation)

Wow. First thing that came to my mind when I found out that I actually HAVE a blog is WOW. It felt so good that I can't help but re-read all the posts that I've made so far. It was nice of me years ago. I mean how long had it been? said that I created this in April 2010 and I made some posts until 2012. So ladies and gentleman, it is true that my blog doesn't have that much, but she's 8 years old now (if I decided to give it a gender, it will absolutely be a she. Not for the sake of anything, just so we can be bestfriend, I guess, you know this blog and I.. alright let's move on!).

Can't say that I'm proud with my "writtings" back then. Cause yes of course, they're messy with too many grammatical errors, typos, etc. My friend Hawky would be very happy scolding me with this. I'll tell you more about him later. But long story made short, he's like a grammar guru or something for me. Which means I come straight to him EVERYTIME I have difficulties with English. Like, everytime. Because he's that good, or simply because he's the one who always available. Errr. Nevermind.

The funny part is, it was merely days ago that I talked to him and said that I wanted to created a blog. Didn't realize that I already have one. Perfect, right? It's an abandoned one, the blog that is, but still perfect nevertheless. And if any of you wonder why now? My answer would be, why not?

I like writting. Honestly. Since I was in elementary I've been in love with writtings. It was all started with a comic that belongs to my cousin, then a really sad book called Jamin and Johan. (Prolly will tell you more about it LATER- how many times have I typed the word later now? Ugh..)

Well, it's 2.38 am. I'm typing this entry at my phone because I'm so excited to finally start writting again. I really hope that I could maintain this blog now with all thoughts that I'd like to share. *fingercrossed

Sooo.. this shall be my official revival day of this blog (if it's even a thing, the revival.. what a big fuss for such trivial stuff.. lol). See you on the next post!!